This is how you get started

Create a project
Strings are organized in projects. Create your first project using the 'Add project' button.
Invite clients
Go to 'Settings' and move to the 'Manage users' page in order to invite your client(s) to the project.
Install CLI
Install the Stringify CLI by running the command below. Make sure Node.js is installed on your system first.
> npm install stringify-cli -g
Initialize project
Initialize the Stringify project in the root of your local project folder using the 'init' command.
> stringify init
Synchronize strings
Synchronize your local strings files with Stringify, strings will appear in the Stringify web interface.
> stringify sync
Modify string values
You or your client can add translations and modify string values using the web interface.
Synchronize again
Run the 'sync' command again in order to download the latest versions of the strings to your project folder.
> stringify sync
Import strings
Open your project and use the 'import' button in order to upload your strings files.
Review and apply changes
Stringify automatically detects changes in your strings, review the changes and confirm your modifications.
Modify string values
You or your client can add translations and modify string values using the web interface.
Export strings
Use the export-button to download the latest versions of your strings files in the desired format and language.